So at some point soon Toronto will be getting their very own bike-share program (although we are sharing the name).
What will they look like? Well the bixi site shows an image as seen here. All of these bike-share bikes have to have some design to them, something that makes them stand out, but also elements so that you wouldn't actually want to steal it (sometimes this is because they're heavier than most bikes and some are only 3-speed, you might as well buy your own then have your credit charged). Some of them combine an element of dorky with cool. A lot are sponsored so there are ad logos to work into it.
Saint-Etienne, France |
Lyon, France |
Paris |
While travelling I've seen bike-sharing programs and we have a lot to learn about the organization of it. Even a town as small at Saint-Etienne in France (pop. about 179,000) has a bike-share programme and it seems to be more extensive than Toronto's initial plan.
All need to work in some way to transport your stuff as well so there's either a back rack or a basket in front or both. Sometimes you need to look elsewhere for ideas and Europe is so far winning on this front. Montreal did get things going in Canada. I'm looking forward to seeing how the stations are designed in Toronto. Germany's programme does away with stations so you can leave your bike at any street corner or if you see one you want to rent you just call up Call-A-Bike, run by Die Bahn (German national transportation agency). Just call them back when you're done. I like the curvy rack. Almost like an old banana seat bike. Again, they are easy to spot even without a station.
Barcelona |